Dare to color your hair red?♬
It's very easy you know♬
Read more to find out how >v<
Hello guys.. welcome to my first post this month.. yeay.. (sx: applause)
Today, i wanna do a review about hair colorant from GARNIER which is Garnier Color Naturals Cream in Burgundy (3.16) ♬
To be honest with you guys i'm such an impulsive person, when i want to do something then i'll definitely doing it (without any forethought :D)
This time i have this kind of urge to color my hair ㅋㅋㅋ
Actually i want to color my hair in two-toned color (white-black like jenny the YG traineeㅋㅋㅋ), but i don't want to bleach my hair cause my hair already damaged with a lot of chemical products that i used (mostly hair colorant)
So i decided to color my hair in different color than i used to (black and brown) which is BURGUNDY >_< and among all the hair colorants this one is the most affordable (and the result is not bad too, i used this brand before and i pretty like it >_<) so i give it a try (again)..
(FYI: 1.My hair is not virgin anymore ^v^ , 2. Mostly i dyed it myself, cause it's more convenience also cheaper rather than doing it at beauty salon ㅋㅋㅋ )
(Garnier Color Naturals Cream in Burgundy shade)
(Each box contains 1 pair of plastic gloves, 1 developer milk, 1 hair colorant cream, and 1 instruction sheet)
Next.. let's dye...♬
First let me show you my hair color before i dyed it with Garnier Color Naturals Cream in Burgundy (3.16)
My natural hair color is a little bit brown because of the sunlight ><, then it become a litte bit black-reddish-orange like this because of the black-color hair colorant that i used before (what a complicated hair color, silly me.. >v< ㅋㅋㅋ
(FYI: make sure your hair is dry before you dye it)
Ok next, prepare the hair colorant mixture by mixing the developer milk with hair colorant cream
Mix evenly until it change color ♬
Actually i have 2 different ways to mix it, "the easy way" and "the mainstream way"
>v< ㅋㅋㅋ
>v< ㅋㅋㅋ
Let me show you "the easy way" first...
"The easy way" : Just pour whole tube of hair colorant cream into the developer milk tube, close the lid of the developer milk tube, then shake it until it mix evenly and the color change, and you ready to apply it on your hair
Now, "The mainstream way"...
(FYI: if the developer tube is big enough i prefer to do "the easy way", but if it's not i prefer "the mainstream way" cause it will be hard for you to shake it well"
You can divide your hair into sections then apply it with brush+comb (i dunno the name of the tool T-T, you can see the tool on the pic above)
If you're just a lazy girl like me or you don't have much time to do it just apply it on your hair as if you're shampooing >v<
or... just ask someone for help >_<
Make sure or at least try to spread it evenly ㅋㅋㅋ
After that just leave it for 30 minutes or more to get maximum result ( i left it for more that 1 hour ♬)
Next, rinse it off with warm-water (cold water is fine too), then wash your hair with your favourite shampoo
Dry it with hair dryer.. and voila! you get red-wine burgundy hair >v<♬
(FYI: After coloring, don't forget to use hair vitamin and hair conditioner guys)Here's the result on my hair :D
Indoor with low light.. you can see the reddish part but the color is mostly black if you look at it indoor...
Don't be so sad :)
(PS: if you want more vivid and visible color just bleach your hair but it will damage your hair )
Because this is what it looks like outdoor♬
See.......!!! Seeeeee....!
It look really pretty under the sunlight ㅋㅋㅋ
I really like it.. and it's cheap too ㅋㅋㅋ
Good job Garnierㅋㅋㅋ♬
Go visit http://www.garnier.co.id/ for more info
(FYI: the result maybe differ depending on the hair type and condition)
Ok... that was
my review.. ♬
Annyeong..! 今晩は! ♬
(FYI:ㅋㅋㅋ:"kkkk" usually used to indicate laughter in Korean)
aku juga pakai ini dan suka banget hehe. BTW, mind to followback??
The Girl in a Black Dress
Done :)..
BalasHapusnice post,, ini bikin rambut kering gk sih? kmren baru warnain rambut di salon jadi kering bgt...
BalasHapussemua cat rambut pasti bakal ngerusak dan akibatnya bikin rambut jadi kering (karena bahan kimianya) makanya setiap abis cat rambut aku selalu pakai conditioner jadi ga kering hasilnya :) Sering-sering dikasih hair vitamin sama akai condi yang buat rambut diwarnai aja mudah-mudahan ga kering lagi :)
HapusGood sharing, yup, nowadays it is possible to enjoy everlasting hair color for your grey curly hair without having to worry about exposure to many harmful chemicals! Lelan Crucial PhytoNatural Hair Colorant is usually enriched using eco-certified normal plant natural skin oils to feed and revitalize hair the way it colors. See below for detail: