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Kamis, 23 April 2015

DIY Review: Whiten Your Teeth With Activated Carbon♬

Do activated carbon really can make your teeth whiter?♬
Hmm.. well.. let's check it out♬
Hello again guys..♬
Today i wanna do a review about some kind of myth (sorry, me just being over exaggerating -___-) which is whiten your teeth with activated carbon
Well it's not really a myth, there are bloggers who already review this DIY thing kkkkk (one of them is
Guys and girls,  i'm so (super >_< ) curious about this DIY (is it really works or no) well you know there are a lot of beauty products such as face cleanser and face mask ( that contains activated carbon) and they claim it can brighten and whiten your face
So i decided to give it a try and review it just for you (aww...><)
First of all, we need to buy the activated carbon, and the easiest activated carbon that you can find (espcially in my country Indonesia) is "NORIT" by CAPLANG

 (One tube contains 40 tablets of NORIT)

 (How to use in Indonesian language and chinese)

 (in English..)

NORIT or activated carbon usually used to treat diarrhea, stomach pain, and food poisoning 
So if you have diarrhea or stomach problem just take 6-9 tablets (3 times a day) and 20 tablets for food poisoning (according to the instruction)

After you have you activated carbon, the next step you must do is take 2 or 3 tablets of it and crush the tablets into black powder (NB: you can crush it with the backside of spoon or for indonesian with your mother "ulekan" or pestle) :D

 (I crushed 3 tablets >--<) 

 (ooo black teeth.. oh yeah...♬)

Next, pick it up with a tootbrush and just brush it on your teeth...
But.. actually i used my finger instead of tootbrush coz i don't wanna ruin my one and only brush with super black powder >< (i don't have any spare toothbrush left) 
(NB: to make it easier to apply, mix the powder with a little bit of water until it become paste-like)

Then, wait for about 5 minutes before you wash it off 
(it can get so messy so be careful)
(NB: DO NOT SWALLOW IT.. i know it's safe to consume it when it's still on tablet form, but some websites says never consume activated carbon when it already crushed like this.. )

(After 5 minutes)

Finally,after 5 minutes i washed it off (carefuly) and took a teeth-selfie
Well, i do notice a difference, it brighten my teeth a little bit, and whiten my yellow stained tooth (as you can see in the picture above, the one that i marked with red circle)
So i think it really works.. but not that much.. kkkkk you can't get a really pearly super white teeth just by using the activated carbon once kkkkk
(NB: I don't reccomend it for a long-term use, coz i don't know if there is any side effect)
So if you wanna have bright and a little bit whiter teeth instantly you can try this but if you wanna have a healthy white pearly teeth just go to the dentist.. hahahaha..♬

(Smile ladies...<3 ♬ Pardon my just-wake-up-bare-bloated face)

Ok... that was my review.. ♬

Annyeong..! 今晩は! 

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